
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Let's Laugh About Death #25 - Alison Pena (aka Bad Widow)
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Release date: 07/13/2020
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh About Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
Today, my guest is Alison Pena (aka. Bad Widow). During the episode, Alison describes how she and her husband Dave did some "bucket list" activities before his passing as well as her last moments with Dave and honestly, I get a little choked up at how powerful it is. The conversation does get a little political at times, as we discuss her experiences witnessing the corona-19 coronavirus first hand in New York City. Overall, we have a great conversation about living life until the end, doing what you love in the face of death.
Check out Alison's website at:
As well as her husband Dave's art gallery at:
Get this show for any platform including these:
Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Google Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/y6utm9gg
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Or listen directly on the web at: llad.podbean.com
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #existential #bucketlist #covid19 #coronavirus

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Release date: 07/06/2020
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh About Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
Today, my guest is James Richard Lane. James is DJ, a musician, a radio show host, a podcast host, a "The Price Is Right" winner, and the first person I ever talked to that has been to all 50 states! During the episode, we have a great talk about all of these experiences and even touch on the concept of having your "15 minutes of fame".
Here are a bunch of cool links that I got from James that you should check out:
A video of him winning on "The Price is Right" and almost knocking over Aisha Tyler.
An article of him about visiting all 50 states.
Check out his podcast "The Shaky Experience."
Check out his band also named "The Shaky Experience".
And listen to his weekly show as a radio host/DJ at 92.9FM Open Media/ 89.3 HD3 Kuvo under the "Local" section.
Get this show for any platform including these:
Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Google Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/y6utm9gg
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Or listen directly on the web at: llad.podbean.com
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #existential #therealpriceisright #djing #travel #indiemusic

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Let's Laugh About Death #22 - Kevin Rose (Therapist who utilizes tigers?!?!)
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Release date: 06/22/2020
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh About Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
Today, my guest is Kevin Rose. Kevin is a manual therapist with 25 years under his belt. However, over the last 10 years he has been offering a free service rehabilitating combat veterans through the use of Tigers. Our conversation takes many turns as we discuss both sides of mask usage during the Covid-19 pandemic along with the a fascinating discussion about sound and frequency resonance.
Check out the website for The CATalyst at:
And you find his book about The CATalyst at:
Get this show for any platform including these:
Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Google Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/y6utm9gg
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Or listen directly on the web at: llad.podbean.com
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #existential #covid19 #washyourhands

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Let's Laugh About Death #21 - Lavelma Lindsey (Mother, Veteran, Motivator)
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Release date: 06/15/2020
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh About Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
Today, my guest is Lavelma Lindsey. Lavelma is a mother and a veteran with a Masters degree in Management with concentration in Leadership. Lavelma and myself get into a discussion about the Covid-19 issues at hand. This episode was recorded in mid-May and with the way the world keeps changing so rapidly, we were speaking from the perspective of the "good ole days" of mid-May. Wow, how everything has intensified recently on every front. But, still it was a nice pleasant conversation with a great insight from Lavelma on her concept of what happens when we die.
Check out these links to various inspiring elements that she has been building, including her youtube channel:
Get this show for any platform including these:
Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Or listen directly on the web at: llad.podbean.com
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #existential

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Let's Laugh About Death #20 - Dane Dormio (Martial Artist, Taoist)
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Release date: 06/08/2020
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh About Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
Today, my guest is an internal Martial Artist, Dane Dormio. Dane describes his discovery of taoism and Tai-chi through traditional martial arts. Dane hosts a group that introduces members to short Qigong body meditations that are simple enough for anyone to learn. One additional thing I must mention, Dane's answer to "What happens when we die?"...blew my mind. It was a true existential moment.
Oh, one other thing... he likes the Ninja Turtles too!
Visit Dane's websites and sign up for his 7 day Qigong Challenge:
Get this show for any platform including these:
Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Or listen directly on the web at: llad.podbean.com
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #taoism #tao #tai-chi #existential

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Release date: 06/01/2020
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh About Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
Hey everyone! I am back! I went away for a while, but now I am back. Got a bunch of episodes that I am working on. Bit of a rocky hop back in the saddle, but I'm doing it. I decided it was time to get over the hurdles that were stopping me.
Today, my guest is one of my best friends Steve Shippy (aka Prozak). He joins me on this episode to discuss not just the paranormal, but also something that is on everyone's mind: Covid-19. We also are able to finally talk about something that was kind of under wraps with our last episode (his Travel Channel show "Haunting in the Heartland").
He has his own podcast series entitled "The Haunted Saginaw Video Podcast" which complements the "Haunted Saginaw" film series quite nicely. I highly recommend checking that out:
Here is a link to Travel Channel's "Haunting in the Heartland": https://www.travelchannel.com/shows/haunting-in-the-heartland
Here is a trailer for Steve's Podcast:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgTDza1_700
Here is Steve's iMDB page. You can find information on all of the Haunted Saginaw movies here and watch them for free on Amazon Prime. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5491239/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
Possum fight 2020! https://youtu.be/ioyMCXUG33M
Get this show for any platform including these:
Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #suicide #steveshippy #hauntingintheheartland #travelchannel

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Let's Laugh About Death # 18 - Season finale crossover with Coffee Over Suicide
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Release date: 11/12/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh About Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
Hey everyone! So, as you are probably aware, I am taking a little hiatus from the podcast. I am putting this episode out as kind of a way to not leave you guys hanging. I DO plan on coming back in early 2020, but this episode is kind of a special mixer between myself and my friend Chris Parker Howard's podcast "Coffee Over Suicide".
We mostly discuss what is going on, why I am taking a break, and honestly just expressing how sometimes life hits you in the face all at once. Nothing that I can't bounce back from. In fact I already am. Meant to put this out this morning (my regular time Monday), but I am going to put it out Tuesday. Better late than never.
So, here is the official season finale of "Let's Laugh About Death" with my friend Chris Parker Howard.
For the Saginaw People (you know who you are) get your tickets for the premiere of:
"A Haunting on Brockway Street" at www.templetheatre.com. I'll see you there!
Here's a Sneak Peak:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvfKHVWGbHI
Check out Chris's podcast at: www.coffeeoversuicide.com
Get this show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #coffee #suicide

Monday Oct 21, 2019
Let's Laugh About Death #17 - Jim Nelson (Musician, Creative, Geek)
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Release date: 10/21/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh About Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Jim Nelson. Jim is a former co-worker, friend, and musician. Jim shares personal dealings with death, including a chilling musical eulogy for a lost friend. We also get into the topic of life being a "big waiting room".
Heartbreaking "Blackbird" video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lNBcTkssWA&t=80s
The Eagles - "Old '55":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--rAINTn2TE
Get this show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #eulogy #petadoption

Monday Oct 14, 2019
Let's Laugh About Death #16 - John Carr (Writer, Cancer Survivor)
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Release date: 10/14/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh About Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is John Carr. John is writer, technical geek, and a cancer survivor. He is someone that I met through mutual friends and then became a friend of mine himself. We have collaborated on creative projects together as well as being all around "bounce-ideas-off-of-eachother" soundboards.
John gets into some pretty jarring things that I did not know of before this conversation. Quite frankly, it pissed me off that someone could do something so vile to a 10 year old child. In addition, we get into his battle with cancer as well as a further look into the film foundation that I am building. Again, I sound boarded that idea off of him. Cuz, that's what we do for each other.
Get this show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #cancersurvivor #cancersucks #fuckcancer

Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Release date: 10/07/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Alan Maxson. Alan is another alumnus from out zombie movie Locked Away. He has really made a name for himself in Hollywood specializing in Creature Performance. Recently, he played the right head of in Ghidorah in "Godzilla: King of the Monsters". It was cool catching up with Alan and learning more of how the Hollywood system works.
We discuss various topics including doing things your way in your chosen field (in his case, he specializes in creature performance). We also touch upon his hopes of what happens when we die as well as some death related tragedies that his hopes relate too.
Check out his impressive IMDb page:https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2826608/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
Watch his short film "Patina" on Amazon Prime: https://tinyurl.com/y62dzobr
However, you can buy it here (to help raise money for his upcoming feature film): https://tinyurl.com/yxqmj6k8
Watch his character Cookie make fun of our zombie movie "Locked Away": https://tinyurl.com/yyju6kru
Or, just look at his cats: https://www.instagram.com/zira_lily_cam/
Get this show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #lockedaway #godzillamovie

Monday Sep 30, 2019
Let's Laugh About Death #14 - Nancy Anderson (Centerforenrichedliving.org)
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Release date: 09/30/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Nancy Anderson. Nancy is a friend from grade school that I haven't spoken to since 7th grade. During our talk, we discuss several topics including spiritualism vs. religion, what is really important in life, and what it is like to be in the Sandwich Generation (someone who is taking care of both their children and their parents). We do a lot of catching up and it was pretty cool getting to know her as an adult.
To learn more about the Center for Enriched Living visit:
Get this show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #sandwichgeneration

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Release date: 09/23/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Stefdies. (Yes, she does have a real name, but this is how I found out about her... and it's awesome.) Stefdies (Stephanie) is a photographic artist who makes "Anti-selfies". They are incredibly creative and feature her... well... laying face down in the dirt .... "dead". But, she does them at impressive locations with no fear of who, what, when, or where.
During our conversation, we get into how she creates these amazing pieces, how she is able to travel for free (or nearly free), and the idea of not taking things for granted. She even discusses a life changing theft that occurred to her and how it set her on this path.
Check out her photos here: https://www.instagram.com/stefdies/
Support what she does here: https://www.stefdies.com/shop/
A "freeganism" website she recommends: https://freecycle.org/
Get this show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #stefdies #freeganism #art #goforit

Monday Sep 16, 2019
Let's Laugh About Death #12 - Rhiann Olson (Patient Care Tech)
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Release date: 09/16/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Rhiann Olson. Rhiann is a Patient Care Tech and works with people who are well... dying. This episode gets a little dark because it focuses more on the actual process of dying and how it can be different for everyone.
We discuss things such as "mottling", mourning one's own death, and even some strange occurrences that happen at the hospital she works at. I know, I worked there and I saw some strange stuff myself.
Google: "End of life plans" and research "Durable Power Of Attorney papers".
Get this show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #betterdeath #endoflifeplans

Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Release date: 09/09/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Shane Bower. Shane is the co-host of the podcast "Geekly Gab & Nerdical Nonsense". This episode focuses a little more on "Celebrating Life" because Shane and I get into some cool moments he has experienced in his life. Along with those we discuss podcasting, going for it, and the real life "Where the Red Fern Grows" moment he witnessed.
Here is the link to the episode I did on his podcast: https://tinyurl.com/yxzuvnal
Make sure to check out other episodes! https://tinyurl.com/yyaewo8c
Also, listen to him on the 198 episode of "Jay and Silent Bob Get Old". You'll have to listen to this episode of "Let's Laugh About Death" to hear what happened! (It's pretty frickin' cool.)
Get this show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #goforit #wheretheredferngrows
Glitter Blast Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Release date: 09/02/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Mike Westendorf. Mike is someone who was a friend of our mutual friend, James. We both knew of each other, but only met for the first time at James' funeral. This episode allowed us to get to know each other a little bit better and I'm grateful for that.
During our conversation, we discuss at great length our friendships with James. We also discuss different alternative concepts about the afterlife such as Quantum Immortality as well as the theory of Rare Earth.
If you would like to learn more about his newspaper, you can visit it at: chemicalcitypaper.com
Get the show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #goforit

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Let's Laugh About Death # 9 - Jennifer Stone-Sparks (Mother, Housewife)
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Release date: 08/26/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Jennifer Stone-Sparks. Jennifer is an old friend from my high school art classes. During our talk (which goes all over the place, and I love that) we talk about a number of things including Dream Visitations of passed loved ones and the concept of ghosts maybe being the result of crossing timelines.
In addition to death, we also talk about overcoming alcoholism as well as finding a dream and going for it! Life is too short take chances!
Get the show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy #goforit #sleep visitations #overcomingalcoholism

Monday Aug 19, 2019
Let's Laugh About Death # 8 - Jason Morisette (Writer, Director)
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Release date: 08/19/19
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Jason Morisette - Writer, Director, and long time friend. During my conversation with Jason, we discuss (with our ridiculous non sequitur-ish humor) various existential topics. Some of the topics we get into include the comfort he derives from watching horror movies, the possibility that we are living in a simulator, and the concept of the "Wheel of Reincarnation".
Watch “Locked Away” for free on Amazon Prime: https://tinyurl.com/y4lppzyr
Watch “Christmas with Cookie: Locked Away” for free on Amazon Prime: https://tinyurl.com/y6hhr7pm
Get the show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by listening at: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #happy

Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Dr. Joanne Lefebvre Connolly - Veterinarian, Animal advocate, and genuinely cool person. During my conversation with Joanne, we discuss in home euthanasia of pets allowing pets to die with dignity, the possibility of "exit points" and the concept of having an end of life party.
To learn more about Dr. Lefebvre Connolly and find her book:
Animal Teachings: From Hayley's Angels Methods
Get the show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by visiting: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor #vegan #animalrights #dyingwithdignity

Monday Aug 05, 2019
Let's Laugh About Death # 6 - Abraham Willock (Actor, Musician)
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Free to listen on any platform.
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week, my guest is Abraham Willock - father, actor, and musician. He is the bass guitarist for the band "Alexander and the Big Sleep" and a genuine master of Chill.
Alexander and the Big Sleep - https://tinyurl.com/y47kqd7c
During my conversation with Alexander, we discuss how we are constantly dying and changing physically on a microscopic level. We also talk about how different faiths and beliefs have commonality along with a discussion about the Lakota Sundance Ritual, which he had the privilege to witness.
Here are links to resources that Abraham refers to during the episode:
Fools Crow: Wisdom and Power - https://tinyurl.com/yyza9rwo
Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0296362/
The Work of Alan Watts - https://alanwatts.com/
Get the show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
Support the show financially just by visiting: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
#death #laughaboutdeath #afterlife #griefsucks #Hauntedsaginaw #deathanddying #LiveLifeHappy #amazonprime #grievingwithhumor

Monday Jul 29, 2019
Let's Laugh About Death # 5 - Meg McCabe (babygotbackblog.com)
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Free to listen on any platform.
Support the show financially just by visiting: https://tinyurl.com/y27m6s8g
Let's Laugh about Death - The dramedy podcast that celebrates life while contemplating the inevitable with Host Tim Rooney - of the popular Amazon Prime film series Haunted Saginaw.
This week my guest is Meg McCabe. Meg is a former runway model turned Eating Disorder Recovery Coach. Her blog, which contains several tips and resources, can be found at: www.babygotbackblog.com.
The conversation I had with Meg is very light hearted while regarding some serious topics. We discuss eating disorders, various forms of self harm, as well as a pretty wild concept on the afterlife where you get to relive your favorite moments in life as if choosing from a DVD collection.
Get the show for any platform including these:
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/y3qxhy37
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/y3jgryov
Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/y4qdlklg
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